West Cinder Knoll
The West Cinder Knoll trail is accessed directly from a stepover on 600 North in the City of Hurricane about ½ mile west of the East Cinder Knoll trail. The trail is segmented and includes a northwest trending trunk of about ½ mile of easy 2-track ending at a boundary fence. Part way up the trunk trail at the wash crossing, a popular loop heads to the southwest on a jeep road that curves around the cinder cone in a gentle climb of 110 feet back to the north. Consisting primarily of fine cinders, the trail is easy and reaches the top of the knoll about 1.2 miles from the main stepover. The knoll consists of a volcanic cone that has been extensively mined in the past for its cinders. Visitors may follow a loop around the top and return the way they came up. Outstanding views of the Sandstone Mountain complex to the north, the East Cinder Knoll to the east, and portions of the Hurricane Valley to the south can be enjoyed by visitors. Common wildlife include rabbits, hawks, small desert birds, lizards, and an occasional tortoise in the creosote flats below the knoll. A ½ mile 2-track connector trail, called 600 North, parellels the city road and connects the East and West Knolls for those who wish to visit both. The trail is generally suitable for hikers, bikers, and equestrians and lies entirely on lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management in the Red Cliffs NCA.
- East and West Cinder Knolls map showing connection to the 600 North trail
- Step-over on 600 North trail has room for multiple vehicles about 1/2 mile east of East Knoll step-over
- The main trunk of the West Knoll trail follows a two-track to the northwest about 1/2 mile
- A loop trail starts part way up the trunk and leads visitors to the top of the knoll
- West Cinder Knoll is a volcanic feature with a caldera that has been subject to extensive mining in years past
- Excellent views exist from the top of the knoll including this one of Sandstone Mountain
- Other views include the Pine Valley Mountains and agricultural lands to the northwest