(Lynx rufus)

Bobcats range from southern Canada through the United States, into Mexico. In Utah, they occupy various habitats including broken forested mountains, riparian areas, and rimrock canyon and chaparral country. Dens are often placed beneath hollow logs, within rock piles, in small caves or  below overhanging rocky ledges.  Although relatively common, their excellent camouflage and secretive nature allows them to often go unnoticed.

Characteristic features of the bobcat include its stubby tail, tipped with black on the top and whitish below, long hind legs, its facial ruff, the fury sideburns on its cheeks, and its black-tipped tufted ears. Classified as a furbearer, its thick, luxuriant coat, made up of long, black-tipped guard hairs and a dense, very soft underfur, has long been sought after by trappers. Other than people, they have few natural predators, but kittens, which are born naked, blind and helpless, can be taken by coyotes, hawks, owls and eagles. If young bobcats survive their first year, they have an average life expectancy of about 12 years.

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